It is great to have cats, because they bring a lot of Fun and are enjoyed also a very practical Family. They are quite easy to care for and independently, and therefore cope quite well alone. However, we need to take care of us as a cat owner our cats and kittens. We need to ensure that you are well fed, enough sleep, exercise, and cuddly units. For a healthy cat's life, it applies particularly to the needs of our Stubentieger to respond. Therefore, you can find here is a short list of four things, which should be, in our opinion, in every Cat is available for you, especially if your cat is exclusively of apartment living without free gear.
A Cat's Toilet
There's a cat spends her time only or überwiedend in the house or in the house, it is important that you know where you can do your business. A suitable cat litter box is in a quiet location. Since Hygiene is the A and O for cats, a cat litter box is essential, especially if you have a new cat moves into the house.
There are different types of toilets, but a simple plastic box with a suitable one enough faithful in completely.
Water and food bowls
A geeigenter fixed-feed space with a variety of bowls for food and water are important. If you get a new cat into the house,they should be prepared. If a cat once with your food place to become familiar, she feels "lighter", more home.
A comfy cat bed
Cats usually sleep anywhere in the house, but if you want your kitten to be pampered, should you own a cat bed or basket have. Cats love to sleep in a warm and comfortable place, and soft beds or baskets, in particular in the Form of small caves to provide exactly that, and are also available as a getaway essential.
A Cat Wheel
Finally, it is important to satisfy the need for movement. Cats are guaranteed to be energetic and active Pets. Therefore, stubentieger need daily exercise. The course of nature is not possible, a cat wheel is an ideal substitute. It can go to the fast sprinnten, relaxed walk, or play with whenever the desire to romp is born. In order to ensure a good mood, avoid boredom and get your favourite physically and mentally healthy.